Strategic Sourcing

Strategy development is not usually within the core competencies of a sourcing expert. The Parmenides Eidos Strategic Sourcing Process Template helps fostering the dialogue with different business departments and ensures a common understanding of requirements, restrictions and priorities.

- Strategic sourcing -
being prepared for market changes

The sourcing department has to meet a broad range of professional tasks from strategy development to negotiations and evaluations. The development of a strategic negotiation plan on a short term perspective is as important as the development of long-term scenarios about future markets or the generation of short term purchasing advantages through commodity supplier benchmarking.

Whilst governance structures and organizational models don’t represent a challenge any longer, deriving business benefits through the implementation and operationalization of sourcing strategy are an area that provides lots of room for improvement.

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EIDOS Sourcing Template

Parmenides EIDOS Sourcing Template is far more than just a process description. The template can be easily customized for the specific characteristics, preferences and requirements of purchasing departments.

It provides access to state-of-the-art tools for strategy development empowering sourcing experts to develop superior sourcing strategies that take them ahead of competition. Furthermore, the template operationalizes the developed sourcing strategies into further steps and provides the related support e.g. for preparing negotiations or selecting suppliers throughout the entire purchasing process.

- Global Sourcing -
being prepared

A sourcing strategy also needs to consider different scenarios of the future which reflect potential developments in the market. Considering scenarios (e.g. global economic, industry specific, competitive or regulatory) helps to evaluate alternative procurement and supplier strategies.

Parmenides EIDOS is an ideal environment for scenario based strategizing. It also empowers users to translate 3rd party publications into re-usable scenario spaces. These spaces can then be connected with strategy spaces to derive robust strategies.

Supply Chain Optimization

Procurement is an integrated function within a supply chain system. Strategy Development is one crucial part in the supply chain optimization and ideally supported by Parmenides EIDOS.

In addition to these strategic tasks the Parmenides EIDOS Strategic Sourcing Template helps - thanks to management tools and techniques built into the template - to improve like 'organizational effectiveness', 'operational excellence' and 'CAPEX efficiency'. The template offers support throughout the entire supply chain and thus is an effective tool to manage your supply chain from cradle to grave, from the big picture of strategy to the monitoring of details.

Supplier selection

Commodity products frequently are offered by a large amount of suppliers in the market. The task is to evaluate suppliers’ performance and to know potential alternatives if one supplier doesn't fulfill requirements any longer.


The use of tools in sourcing provides clarity about goals and priorities and helps to generate a common understanding between different stakeholders. Results are re-usable and ideal to monitor success and to generate lessons learnt. Only a demonstration can convince that the application of management tools of techniques is highly valuable.

Interested to see more of the
EIDOS Strategic Sourcing Template?

Strategic Sourcing - Strategic Purchasing

Benefit in daily business

Easy application of common management tools & techniques that are usually applied in sourcing departments, e.g.

  • product categorisation
  • product portfolio
  • supplier evaluation
  • supplier portfolio
  • multi-dimensional evaluations of offers, etc.
  • negotiations strategy space

Long-term benefits

Re-thinkable documentation of a purchasing decision that

  • ideally supports strategic category management.
  • gathers multiple product strategies and identifies conflicts of interests.
  • supports a professional implementation of the strategy.
  • helps to communicate the strategy accross an international organisation (lingua franca).
  • allows monitoring and progress evaluation.
  • helps sourcing experts to work on it without major interruptions in daily business.
  • can be easily understood by new employees. A crucial aspect in a fast moving environment.

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