Closing the gap

There is a growing disparity between cognitive skills and the analytical challenges mankind faces.

To close this gap, Parmenides EIDOS provides a set of ten highly visual tools compensating for the limitations of the human brain in coping with today's global challenges of uncertainty, complex dynamics and disruptive change.

Global challenges

Rapidly increasing complexity and an accelerating pace of structural change constitute qualitatively new challenges for which human cognition is not well prepared.


Most of the human brain is still the result of adaptations to environments and challenges that are thousands of years old. The brain is a fantastic result but with limitations that we should be aware of.

Tools and methodology

Mankind has been using tools in order to expand our innate capabilities in almost every field of life – but hardly ever for the task of thinking as such.

Global Challenges

Why our brain surrenders

Increased global entanglement of political and economic structures and the ubiquity of mass information is rapidly escalating the complexity of the environment in which we make decisions, analyze problems and develop strategies and solutions.


Increasing complexity and uncertainty are challenges faced in both business and politics. Managers are not well equipped to deal with complexity.

Parmenides EIDOS helps manage complex issues thanks to its ready-made analysis and reasoning frameworks, cognitively optimized mass data visualizations and the brain-adequate provision of information and knowledge.

Percentage of CEO's experiencing or expecting...


...high complexity in 2010


...high complexity in 2015


...feel prepared

Source: IBM Study 2010: Capitalizing on Complexity, p.18,19

  • The probability of an economic crisis is below 5%.
    Should we still develop strategic options for such a scenario?
    Senior manager of a renowned company in August 2008 during an EIDOS ThinkShop
  • 1

In September 2009 everybody knew the name of an American bank called
"Lehman Brothers". Being prepared is not the worst idea...


Managers have to decide in an environment which is only partly under their control. Essential aspects relevant to entrepreneurial or institutional success are beyond their direct sphere of influence and thus uncertain in how these will develop in the future.

Parmenides EIDOS helps identify key causes of uncertainty and integrate them into consistent scenarios which serve to guide your future actions. Scenario-based strategizing helps decision makers navigate in a world full of uncertainty.

Speed of change

The increasing speed of change is perceived as scary and frightening.

Parmenides EIDOS helps you to stay in control by putting developments into perspective. It allows you to see the "Big Picture" and develop strategies that are robust in dynamic environments.

Here is a collection of videos illustrating a few examples of the speed of change:

The Global Risks report 2016 of the World Economic Forum (WEF)

Risks & Disruptions

Climate change, population growth, technological evolution, geopolitics as well as "unknown unknowns" are only some of the sources of risks and disruptions relevant in business, politics and society.

Parmenides EIDOS helps set up

  • early warning systems
  • scenario-based planning
  • quick reaction templates

thus helping decision makers in

  • prevention
  • analysis
  • reaction


How Our Brain Muddles Through

Despite being fascinating and not yet fully explored, the human brain exhibits limitations in processing complex information.


Beliefs, behavioral biases such as overconfidence, social biases or memory errors deviate us from rational decision-making. "Made by nature" bias-induced heuristics often prove useful when time or contextual restrictions apply. Often enough, biases lead to inconsistent behavior and poor decisions.

Parmenides EIDOS eliminates many known biases by providing easy access to analytical techniques and management tools, by systematically switching perspectives and visualizations, which unburden our working memory.

Memory Constraints and Sequentiality of Speech

Lengthy PowerPoint presentations, text documents and talks are all sequential - a characteristic which quickly overwhelms our limited working memory.

The different modules of Parmenides EIDOS systematically make use of the parallel processing capabilities our visual channel offers and thus helps managers to base their decision on a richer set of parameters.

Not invented here

Not invented here is just one of many reasons for limiting the options at hand and exponentially minimizing an institution's room for maneuver.

Parmenides EIDOS fosters "thinking out of the box" exercises and helps counter a lot of individual and group-based biases and mechanisms that prematurely limit our option space.

Tunnel vision

"If all you have is a hammer, you try to make every problem look like a nail."
"You’ll never solve a problem with the same mode of thinking that made it appear in the first place."
These are two proverbs which describe reasoning approaches that lack inspiration, innovation and creativity.

Parmenides EIDOS provides ready-to-use templates for a huge variety of management tools, creativity techniques and options development in order to foster approaches and strategies which make use of a company's or institution's full potential.


Tools helping our „old brain“
to cope with „new challenges“

Parmenides Foundations research aims at better understanding how the human brain copes with complexity and to develop new ways to support it in this task by exploiting the strong modules of human thinking in order to support the less well adapted parts of our cognitive apparatus.


„A picture says more than a thousand words“ - Parmenides Eidos utilizes the best developed competence of the human brain, the broad-band parallel processing capacities of our visual sense, for complex reasoning processes.

With the help of the 10 reasoning modules in Parmenides Eidos Toolsuite, complex thinking processes are visualized step by step, and, at the end, the entire reasoning process is recomposed into fully transparent, interactively accessible and modifiable reasoning architectures.

Process Step1

Process Step2

Storing knowledge as knowledge

Information and data need context in order to „make sense“ for us. Lengthy ppt presentations, databanks and many knowledge management tools lack contextualization and thus are not well conceived to support complex reasoning because while studying we loose the "cognitive links" allowing for seamless processing.

Based on a synoptic overview in Parmenides Eidos reasoning architectures, data, information, reports and other supporting documents can be accessed in their precise context.

The human brain and IT

The human brain is well prepared to execute basic cognitive operations such as comparisons or causal relationships. IT offers enormous parallel processing capabilities.

Parmenides Eidos Suite approach combines the best of those two worlds by using IT to process the results of our cognitive operations into higher-level aggregates that better match todays complexity challenges.

Process Step3

Process Step4

Two modes of thinking

Studying human thinking skills one finds two basic types of operations: the well-known, ratio-morphic reasoning operations by which arguments are rationally interrelated and concatenated. Less understood but equally important - “intuition”, “fantasy” or “creativity” draw on constellations of features and process them, via not language-based operations, into holistic impressions.

Parmenides Eidos allows for effortlessly combining and integrating these two modes of thinking. Its explicit and transparent reasoning steps and the complementary assessment of complex configurations of factors, options and risks via constellatory intuition allow for excellence in thinking and „realistic“ solving of complex and wicked problems.

Curious to learn more?!