Strategic Thinking, Strategic Processes and a Management Toolbox are the three core elements of Parmenides EIDOS. Interactive Visual Analysis tools bring in additional value by visualizing mass data in a cognitively optimized format.

EIDOS Strategic Thinking

Strategic Thinking

Thinking about the future is crucial if a corporation wants to define its strategic directions. Uncertainty requires the application of qualitative approaches before turning assumptions into financial statements.

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EIDOS Strategic Planning

Strategic Processes

It's easy to find charts with strategic processes. They all lack details about the required analytical tasks within a process step.
In the application appropriate reasoning tools are assigned to each and every single process step.

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EIDOS Management Toolbox

Management Toolbox

Corporations spend millions on educating their high potentials in Business Schools and at renowned universities. There they get to know valuable management tools and techniques in theory. Only EIDOS users can easily turn theory into practical application.

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EIDOS Interactive Visual Analysis

Visual Analysis

EIDOS Interactive Visual Analysis tools aim to translate large spreadsheets into dynamic and eye-opening visuals.
We are proud of the unique Visual Scoremap that is highly appreciated at Board Room and Supervisory Board meetings.

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All of this together forms today's most comprehensive suite for thinking, reasoning and decision-making."

Parmenides EIDOS

Parmenides EIDOS is an innovative, software-based approach to managing the entire decision-making process by visualizing complex situations, building alignment among decision makers and by supporting the identification of possible courses of action.

One Software Suite - many application areas

EIDOS includes a kind of app or tool store which is full of management tools and techniques that can be applied for well-defined strategic processes or flexible strategic models. The value lies not only in the ability to use single management tools highly professionally and efficiently. The real value comes from the combination of all of the reasoning steps into one coherent decision architecture. This generates re-thinkable thoughts.

Benefit from strategizing concepts, pre-configured strategic processes and well known management tools and techniques in each core area. Enjoy visual data representations which you have never seen before.


Highly integrated tools

Parmenides Eidos Visual Reasoning provides users with a single model integrating all decision relevant factors, perspectives and timeframes in a cognitively optimized format for structuring, analyzing and resolving today’s complex and dynamic challenges.


Examples of Decision Architectures providing access to detailed reasoning tasks

One can't calculate success...

One can’t calculate neither the success of future strategies nor the meaning of life.

Know your figures and data! Precise calculation is an important prerequisite for accountable leadership. Yet, good decision-making requires the juxtaposition of calculation results (ratios, extrapolations, allocations) with qualitative influences such as trends, innovation, future scenarios or external drivers. Finding the right balance is not easy, there’s no formula for success.


… but thinking through a road to success is possible

The Parmenides Eidos Suite makes use of three mechanisms:

  • the parallel information processing of visual sense,
  • our brain's capability of taking a “constellatory” perspective and
  • the processing power of modern IT

to provide its users with tools to structure single reasoning tasks and a framework that seamlessly integrates all reasoning steps into one structured overview with a cognitively powerful zoom-in and zoom-out access.

Work products can be easily transferred from one tool or step to the next without a complicated database system or black box transformations.

Like this, it’s easy to transform very complex and wicked problems into transparent and manageable components.

Making the difference in a global competitive context

By structuring the qualitative side of your business or political decision-making with an adequate equivalent to the precision of quantitative calculation you leverage your potential to make the difference in a dynamic competitive environment.

Parmenides Eidos helps you maintaining the Optimal Cognitive Distance (OCD) to your challenge, take more informed and better decisions and thus leads to entrepreneurial success or better policy.


What is EIDOS? Difficult to describe in a few words.