EIDOS Training Courses

We offer EIDOS Training Courses on demand for the public and
private sectors, as well as for education and research.
Participation comes with a Parmenides EIDOS Version full trial license valid for one month.

Very useful training

Excellent trainer

Cumulative ratings for our training courses from participants over the past five years:

66% voted anonymously:
"The training course was very useful."

31% voted anonymously:
"The training course was useful."

97% satisfied participants is not too bad - Wouldn't you agree?

92% voted anonymously:
"Trainer's performance was excellent."

8% voted anonymously:
"Trainer's performance was good."

A special thanks goes out to our EIDOS trainers.

You will enjoy the location and the unconventional setting of the training environment and the knowledge exchange between different companies and other interesting participants.

Training details

Are you curious about getting to know and working with Parmenides EIDOS? Do you need to develop a strategy? Are uncertainty and complexity challenges you are facing? Would you like to know how easy it is to operate Parmenides EIDOS? Then you are very welcome to schedule one of our EIDOS Training Courses!

EIDOS Training Course

An EIDOS Training Course is aimed at those who want to learn what the Parmenides EIDOS Suite can be used for, e.g. Scenario & Strategy Development, Strategic Communication and to improve managers’ efficiency by using the Parmenides Management Toolbox.

The course covers the theoretical background, practical training and application examples for Parmenides EIDOS and thus improves participants’ current approach to scenario analysis, strategy development and decision making in general.

Target Group & Pricing

Managers, Head of Departments, Heads of CSR, Heads of Division, Heads of Corporate Development, Heads of Strategy, Knowledge Workers, Consultants, Students Pricing depends on the sector and training length.


Learn: how to apply 4 EIDOS Tools and 2 Strategizing Frameworks**

The training course covers the following aspects:

  • principles of scenario-based strategic thinking
  • ease of use in tool handling (both conceptually and manually)
  • the complete reasoning process, spanning all the way from scenarios to final strategy
  • the power of working in a group: the tools are also for those who wish to run a process themselves in a workshop in order to organize an exchange of experiences
  • past success: The tools and this training draw on examples from real life applications

**Participants do not need any prior experience in using Parmenides EIDOS.

  • "Very useful for desicion making and overcoming uncertainty"
    EIDOS Training participant Anonymous feedback on an evaluation form
  • "Great overview of the Eidos Software"
    EIDOS Training participant Anonymous feedback on an evaluation form
  • “Great atmosphere!“
    EIDOS Training participant Anonymous feedback on an evaluation form
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Feedback from training participants