
Thought Leaders on EIDOS

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Best in class software tool-kit to support strategic thinking and reduction of high complexity!

With EIDOS I've gained outstanding results in transparent reasoning and decision making.

EIDOS provides the most comprehensive and easy to use strategic thinking support...

Strong support to jointly develop strategies...

We significantly improved our decision making process as well as our meeting efficiency...


EIDOS - the leading solution for scenario and strategy development.

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One of the best tools (…to support users in futurology...) is Parmenides EIDOS (…).

It helps us to develop scenarios, deviate strategies and evaluate these, and prioritize goals. Users need approximately one day of training to start effectively working with this reasoning tool.

▬ Andreas Neef Z_punkt GmbH The Foresight Company, Cologne in: Computerwoche No.8/2009

Eidos is strongly supporting the agile development of strategies especially in complex business environments.

▬ Matthias Ziebell Business Development Director Thermotechnologies Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany

Using Mindjets‘ MindManager for brainstorming and structuring my thoughts and projects goes without saying.

Going further to more complex and strategic matter Parmenides Eidos is an essential to develop strategies, analyze risks or build scenarios. I'm impressed how insights of cognition research support daily work of senior decision makers so intuitively and efficiently.

▬ Michael Louis Co-Founder of Mindjet Corporation and Entrepreneur of the Year 2004

During my professional life I have worked with a number of software tools to support the analysis of complex systems and problems as well as generating scenarios.

None was as systemic as Parmenides EIDOS™, and supported both the analysis as well as the synthesis phase in such a user friendly and intuitive fashion.

▬ Dr.-Ing. Harald Hiessl Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI Karlsruhe

The EIDOS modules help to free up your mind by visualizing the thoughts of the decision process. Even when you think everything is mapped out, you sometime discover things that reshape your view in ways you might never have imagined.

It is an amazing experience to see and feel the involvement of everyone about the outcome even after intense and challenging brainstorming sessions.

▬ Helmut Mäuser Corporate Development Investment Coordination and Analysis Bayer Materialscience Leverkusen, Germany

Parmenides EIDOS is the ideal instrument to visualize complex questions.

This software tool supports us in solving strategic problems like market entry strategies or business planning.

Especially the combination of qualitative and quantitative parameters in developing a judgement about the possible strategic options are a valuable addition for my work.

▬ Dr. Tim E. Fischer Corporate Strategy and Communication Peek & Cloppenburg KG, Duesseldorf, Germany

Indeed, we have never been so efficient in developing strategies as when using Parmenides EIDOS.

▬ Prof. Dr. Rédey Ákos Vice-Rector for Strategic Management Pannon University, Hungary

When you face complex and complicated issues, EIDOS is the tool helping to remain focused on strategic priorities.

It’s like switching on the light in a dark room: you clearly see what is surrounding you and in which direction you need to proceed.

▬ Laurence Hart Head of Migrant Assistance Division IOM HQs, Geneva

During our Technology Management Master Course (lecture and seminar) scenario analysis is conducted using the Parmenides EIDOS suite.

The lecture series is in high demand and has been recognized as one of the best courses from the TU Berlin in the department of economics in 2011.

▬ Prof. Dr. K. Hölzle Institut for Technology and Innovation Management Technical University, Berlin

The use of Parmenides Eidos made it much easier for us to conduct a software supported scenario analysis in the context of technology management exercise.

Compared to other tools,

  • the easy application,
  • intuitive user interface, as well as
  • wide range of functionality, and flexibility,

meant that students and academics could concentrate on the analysis and results, rather than having to solve software problems.

▬ Prof. Dr. K. Hölzle Institut for Technology and Innovation Management Technical University, Berlin

I have been applying the Parmenides EIDOS™ Suite in the course „Strategic Planning Management“ for two years.

The tools forces the user to think logically and to clearly model the problem tasks and solution strategy.

At the beginning, some of my students felt that the exercise was almost painful because it was new and errors in reasoning became obvious.

By now, most of the applied methods have become part of their thinking and language repertoire.

They are proudly utilized in new projects – even when I am not around to insist on using the EIDOS approach.

▬ Prof. Dr. Peter Dürr Hochschule München Fakultät für angewandte Sozialwissenschaften, Lehrgebiet Wissens- und Kommunikationsmanagement

Our users say Eidos changes the way they think and work. We all struggle with change as it requires determination and effort - Eidos makes it easy to clear this hurdle and becomes a second nature to our users each time they deal with complex or controversial tasks - no matter what function or industry.

See how Eidos works in your field of work or industry.

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