Connecting quantitative and qualitative reasoning can be perceived in two different ways. The first view is the integration of quantitative analysis into qualitative reasoning architectures. The proper integration of quantitative information into the qualitative decision making process is a critical demand in policy and planning processes since many years. EIDOS provides different interfaces to do so and to add value due to visualizations that are easy to understand since long ago.

The second view is not often perceived to be critical but but high recommended for good reasoning. It is surprising how often quantitative analysis are prepared in spreadsheets without a proper documentation of underlying assumptions of quantitative values. Humans belief in numbers and if someone tells a number, e.g. a potential value of a synergy area of two companies merge the underlying assumptions are not documented, quickly irrelevant and after a certain time forgotten.

EIDOS provides a simple but effective possibility to link qualitative reasoning with spreadsheets to ensure a proper documentation. It’s important to appreciate that it’s not a single decision that has a 1:1 impact on financials but the combination of options which means strategies.