EIDOS - The leading solution for scenario and strategy development is now empowered by the:
The difference between stand-alone-, on-site- and Premium-HUB
Highly flexible
accessible for everybody
The EIDOS Premium HUB allows to integrate participants of a reasoning task independent from time-zones and location using a secure protocol to transfer data.
Corporate internal solution
quickly accessible from
"inside" the corporation only
The EIDOS on site HUB allows to integrate participants inside the corporate network to join an evaluation independent from time and location.
Meeting room solution
extremely secure
and self-contained
The EIDOS stand-alone HUB is a gadget allowing to set-up a local WiFi network. The EIDOS HUB allows participants of a ThinkShop(TM) to feed in values to EIDOS.
Application areas: EIDOS Core tools
Where to apply the EIDOSHUB?
Goal assessement - relevance rating
Collecting evaluations regarding the performance of goals.
Option development - consistency values
Collectively filling in values of the morphological box to quickly identify areas of consent and dissent.
Option evaluation - qualitative ranking
Collectively rank the performance of options to support criteria or goals.